
Improve the Appearance of Scars – Skin Treatments at Retreat Clinic Beauty Salon and Aesthetics Clinic in Chertsey Surrey

We can improve the appearance of superficial facial and body scars with a range of non-surgical aesthetic treatments at Retreat Clinic Beauty Salon in Chertsey Surrey. Book an appointment to see our skin care specialists and discuss the treatments available by calling 01932 483 499. Alternatively you can book your appointment online here.

Ashford, Chertsey, Egham, Staines-upon-Thames, Shepperton, Sunbury, Thorpe, Virginia Water, Wraysbury.

Microneedling Skin Treatments for Scarring

Microneedling is a highly effective treatment designed to improve the appearance of your skin. It has been proven to reduce scarring, including acne scarring.

During the treatment tiny micro-needle perforations are made on the skin to stimulate the skin to repair itself naturally. New collagen is formed, new skin cells are generated and blood supply is enhanced to give you smoother skin.

The procedure is painless and safe and is carried out to the highest standards of safety and hygiene. The microneedling device uses sterile, individually-sealed, disposable needle cartridges for optimal patient safety and comfort. Find out more here.


Diamond Microdermabrasion Skin Resurfacing Treatments


Microdermabrasion is a superb skin resurfacing treatment that will leave your skin looking brighter and less blemished. It can improve the appearance of both pigmentation and scarring.

At our Chertsey clinic we use the highly effective Diamond Peel Microdermabrasion treatment. This uses gentle abrasion from hundreds of miniature diamond grains in a small stainless steel head to remove layers of dead skin cells from all areas of your face and body.

You will see an immediate improvement in the appearance of your skin after one treatment, although we may recommend a course of treatments for optimum results. Find out more here.

Improve Appearance of Scars with a Skin Peel

Modern skin peels can be a highly effective treatment for mild scarring of the skin. At Retreat Clinic we work with a range of skin peels from Toskani, a company with over 30 years experience in researching and developing aesthetic medical cosmetics.

At your initial consultation our fully trained therapist will thoroughly assess your skin before prescribing a combination of facial treatments which may include a range of treatments microdermabrasion as well as an appropriate chemical peel. Find out more about our chemical peels here.


LED Light Therapy to Treat Facial Scars

LED light therapy stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin in your skin and can be used to improve the appearance of scarring including acne scars. It’s a highly effective and painless treatment that can be used on all skin types. Our specialist Light Therapy equipment works by emitting lights in different wavelengths, each of which have different skin care benefits. Our specialist team will target the correct light wavelengths for your particular skin condition to improve blood flow, stimulate healing and skin rejuvenation. Find out more here.

Book an Appointment at Retreat Aesthetics Clinic and Beauty Salon in Chertsey Surrey
To find out how we can help improve the appearance of scarring and make your skin look brighter and less blemished, call us now on 01932 483 499  Alternatively you can book online.
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